Bited lumber – the final product of sawmill production. With the help of the technology of assembly of the tree, sortiments with different cross-cuts are made. The shapes of the battles of the cross-section can be: foure, polygonal, combined and mercantile. These four shapes long can be with parallel edges, with prismatic and conical form or as a cut pyramid. According to the degree of longitudinal processing, there is: indone-time, semi-other and complete lumber. The undisturbed lumber on both sides after the longitudinal side of the obesity is a lidget (bullet only by width). The semi-ended lumber on one side along the thickness is a lidal, and it is bulletable in width and only on one side of the thickness. The completed lumber is an innocent, blade on all four sides after the longitudinal side and can be parallel or constructed. B. Il. Vaska Bouzova-Gaidova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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