Bernstain, Samuel Borisovich

Bernstain, Samuel Borisovich (Bernstain, Samuel Borisovich) (Bargazine, IST Siberia, 3. ⅰ 1911 – Moscow, 6. 1997) – Russian linguist, ethnologist, Slavist, Bulgarian and Macedonian. Long-time manager of the Department of Slavic Philology at the Moscow University “Lomonosov” and the Department of Slavics and Balkanics of Anne OSSR. Author of OK. 400 scientific papers, including 18 books. Member of MANU outside of the working composition (1969). One of the first Slavists who (in the first edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1938) marked the existence of the Macedonian language as a separate member of the Slavic Language Family. In the Open Archive (1934), there was part of the corrections from the unpublished SP. “Vardar” of K. P. Misirkov. Publish two articles about that magazine. Lit.: R. Ukikova, Akad. Samuel Borisovich Bernstain (1911-1997), MJ, Julviai-L, Skopje, 2000, 405-7. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕРНШТЕЈН, Самуил Борисович

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