Hor of MRT

Horror of MRT – was founded after the liberation. The first conductors were Stefan Gaidov and Todor Scalovski. Later, Dragan Suzpevski and Aleksandar Levovski. He played an extraordinary role in encouraging and affirming the Macedonian choral work. His repertoire constituted a number of works of world music literature, including some of the capital vocal and vocal instrumental compositions (Mozart: “Requiem”; Rosini: “Stayboard Mater”; Orf: “Carmina Burner”; Tchaikovsky: “Liturgy”; Atanas Badev “Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom” etc.). With great success, he performed on the scenes and festivals in Macedonia and abroad. Toward the end of ⅹⅹ c. The activity of the choir of MRT was interrupted. M. Cole. Ivo Horvat

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХОР НА МРТ

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