Tomovski, Krum.

Tomovski, Krum (Skopje, 21. 1924) – Architect, full professor at the Faculty of Architecture, MANU member (from 1974). He published over 200 bibliographic units in the field of architecture and represents the first post-war generation graduated Macedonian architects, who not only accept the responsible task channeled and organized to produce professional staff (through the work of the architectural department at the Technical Faculty, later the Faculty of Architecture), but They engage in defining the basic values ​​of architectural historiography. With its papers is one of the founders of that emphasized interest in architectural traditions, affirmation of the values ​​of the people’s construction, traditional architecture in Macedonia from various historical or stylish development periods. Take up with conservation-restoration issues, during its fruitful professional career, realized numerous projects of that domain. In this way, it upgrades its scientific research experiences related to studying, research and affirmation of architectural monuments, representing that significant matter before the domestic and foreign scientific and expert public. One of the more important published papers, whose value from today’s perspective proved to be of exceptional importance for determining the actual values ​​and original specifics of the revival Macedonian construction from the ⅹⅰⅹ century, is the edition dedicated to Andreja Damjanov (1966). Performing direct or supportive influences, this edition, together with many other published papers, has become a starting point for discovering the Macedonian national identity through architecture, inspiring numerous researchers. He builds a rich professional career through the active work in MANU, contributing to building the attitude towards the architectural continuity in Macedonia. Lit.: Georgi Constantinovski, builders in Macedonia ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ-ⅹⅹ century, Skopje, 2001, 210. K. Gr. Mirce Tomovski.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТОМОВСКИ, Крум

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