Temelkovski, Peter (Bogomila, 25. ⅺ 1946) – Actor. He graduated the acting game at the Theater Academy in Sofia. He was a member of the MNT drama (1972-1975), and since 1975. is in the Drama Theater in Skopje. He also performed on film and TV, as well as other tech scenes in the country and abroad. Ullog: Traian (“Macedonian conditions”), Oedipus (“King Ouip”), Don Juan and Kerubin (in the eponymous works), Herman Klaus (“wild meat”), Lukov (“Blackness”), Isidore Thessaloniki (“Erigon” ), Maxim Brodsky (“R”), Pozzo (“Waiting for God”), actor (“Gardrob”), Boro (“Yu antithesis”), Odyssey (“Philoctet”), finding (“Jane Coaster”), etc. . R. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТЕМЕЛКОВСКИ, Петар