Kosta, Costa

Kostanov, Costa (Skopje, 4 and 1939) – Construction engineer, full professor in the field of seismology. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje. In Iziis, he graduated from postgraduate and doctoral studies and worked as head of deputy, deputy director and director (1976-2004). He was a member of the Agency for Evaluation of Higher Education of the Republic of Macedonia; Director of the International Course for ASEEismic building and regional postgraduate studies in IZIIS. There has been a number of research in earthquake engineering, with specialty dynamics of soils and seismic risk. He published more than 100 scientific and expert papers in international journals and conferences. Editor is on the book “Tsyputational Structural Dynamic” (A. A. Balkema, 2002). He stayed at Berkeley University of California (USA), at the University of Tokyo (Japan) and the University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). He was a national delegate in the European Association for earthquake engineering. He taught the items dynamics of soils and foundations and aseysmic design of dams. K. Tal.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТАЛАГАНОВ, Коста

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