Star Dojran – settlement in Dojran. It is located next to the southwest coast of Dojran Lake, at an altitude of about 160 m. The regional road of the Northwest is related to Valandovo, and in southeast with Kukush in Greece. By the First World War there was the city of Star Dojran, who had about 8,000 h., But was bombarded and completely destroyed. Today, in the settlement there are 363 h., From which Panorama of Star Dojran 255 are Macedonians, 57 Turks and 32 Serbs. The population deals with tourism and fishing. It is the seat of a municipality that covers an area of 12,916 ha, there are 13 settlements with 3,426 h. In the village there are more hotels and more than 1,000 holiday homes. Several celebrities of our history and literature, such as Christopher Zefarovich, Gjorgji Abadziev, Anton Panov, etc. Lit.: Todor Konde, New Dojran – expressed fishing settlement and Star Dojran – tourist settlement, “geographic reviews”, kn.. 4, Skopje, 1966. Al. ST. Georgi Stelov Stardelov, Georgi Dimitrov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТАР ДОЈРАН