Emergency Orlov, found (s. Dubrovo, Negotinski, 1 and 1910 – Skopje, 1993) – Cryurdia, Communist Deper, Power and Commander of Brigade. He was a member of the CPY (from September 1941) and the MK Military Headquarters of the CPY in Negotino, and then the Pushhomatlase of NOOP “Sava Mihailov”, Commander of Chief, Commander of But Battalion “Straso Pindzur” and the commander of the ninth Macedonian but brigade. He was a delegate of the first session of ASNOM. After the liberation, he was various duties in the military areas of Prilep, Negotino and Skopje and UDB. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Lit.: Rade Gogov, Orlov tells, Kavadarci, 1983; Tikvesh in New 19411945, book first – seventh, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1984-1985; S. Ml. Verica Stamenkova-Trajkova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТАМЕНИН-ОРЛОВ, Најдо