Memorial owl

Memorial owl – Specific type of facilities, which in its structure unite formally-compact experiences from church construction, but P. Mazev: Detail from the monumental mosaic in the memory in Veles (1980) upgraded in aesthetic sense with freely interpreted elements that contribute to their symbolic content. They represent a special kind of chapel-churches-tombs, in which bones of fallen soldiers or civilians who were victims of certain military actions. In Macedonia, they begin to build in the period between the two world wars (1919-1940), when they had a function of maximum affirmation of the major national component of the newly created state, through which open aspirations for full governance with the Macedonian spiritual space were expressed. As type facilities, their affirmation is experienced separately after the end of World War II (1945), when applied over a longer period of time as a favorite means of glorification of certain historical events related to the National NOB. As works of new times, most often are correlated with contemporary flows of fine monumental art. K. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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