Selewk and Niktor

Selewk and Nisrus (Macedonia, 358 – 281 eg.) – Founder of the Macedonian dynasty selves (312-281), which ruled in Asia after the death of Alexander ⅲ Macedonian. He was one of the nearby concealers of Alexander the Great, seen a military leader in the campaign in the east. In 312 BC It becomes one of the most prominent rulers (heirs of Alexander the Great) of his epoch; In 305 He was declared king of the kingdom in the southeast of Asia Minor and Northern Syria, therefore also called the Syrian Kingdom. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje, 1995; History of the Macedonian people 1, Skopje, 2005; R. Iljovski, who and when ruled by Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. A. Shook.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СЕЛЕВК И НИКАТОР

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