Bayram, Ferid F

Bayram, Ferid F. (Skopje, 1. ⅲ 1880 – Skopje, 23. 1965) – Enlightened Dice, Socialist and Reporter; by nationality Turk. He graduated from Turkish gymnasium in Skopje, and then he was a teacher in the Turkish primary school in Veles (2 ⅷ 1902 – 1907), where he established links with Macedonian Socialists Elijah and Lazar Plauveev. For some time, there was a school inspector of the Kosovo vilayet in Skopje (1907). He was a member of the Young Turk movement, one of the founders of the Social Democratic Organization in Skopje (1909), a participant at the founding Gazanfer Bayram, Mosaic in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЈРАМ, Ферид Ф

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