Risteski, Branislav

Risteski, Branislav (Prilep, 24. ⅳ 1959) – archaeologist. He graduated from philos. Falk. In Skopje, where he was a master’s degree and received on topics for medieval Sadova ceramics, that is, for the pottery in the central parts of the Balkan Peninsula. He works at the Institute of Old Slavic Culture in Prilep, on whose head is found since 2004. It is involved in several archaeological excavations of projects from the late antique and especially of medieval settlements and furry issues, before the S “in the Pelagonia region. He published twenty papers mainly in the field of medieval keramology. BIB.: Rewarding findings from Skupi, “MN”, 19, Skopje, 2002; Handstand Sadova Ceramics from the Republic of Macedonia, “Byzantiÿÿ times”, 65 (90), Moscow, 2006. EL. M. Milan Risteski Risteski, Milan Dimitriov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РИСТЕСКИ, Бранислав

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