Roman-Dominian style in Pelagonia – identified in Pelagonian plateau, in the city of Stibera (near the village of Braillovo) and in the old Astibo (Stip). Stone architectural elements are represented by bases, parts of pillars, capitals, architrav and fries. In Chespiego, three Roman-Dural bases were discovered with a plate and only one Torus. Part of the inventory column of Star Konak, Stip. The three capitals are with a neck, a narrow cornice, slightly issued echinus pillow and a plate. They originate from Chepigovo, from knocking bends (between Pasino Rums and Chepigovo) and from Braillovo. The only part of the Roman-Dorian architrave has a rectangular intersection with a regulator) and with 6 Gutles (drops) in the upper horizontal part, registered in the village. Chepigovo. In the yard of the church “St. Spirit “In the neighboring village of Troilsters there is also the only part of the Roman-Dural Fris, with the characteristic elements (triglif and metal relief). Dating from and c. BC to ⅱ. c. BC Lit.: V. Lilcic, Roman-Dominic Order in Macedonia, “Macedonian Heritage” 16, Skopje, 2001, 3-17; The same, the Macedonian stone for the gods, Christians and life of life, and Skopje, 2001, 28-29, 55, 420-437, 458, Map 1. V. L.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet