Republic authorities for physical culture

The republic organs for physical culture. After the liberation of the Republic of Macedonia, the administrative function in the field of physical culture was carried out by the Ministry of Education (1945-1950), and then the Committee on Physical Education of the Government of the NRM (1947-1950). After decentralization, a Commission for Physical Education of the Government of the SRM (1957-1971) was created. Named presidents were: Reis Shaqiri, Krume Naumovski and Bajram Gulja. At the same time, the expert work, the Institute for Sports at the head of Strategy Arsovski (1954-1957), and the Government of the SRM for the analytical and administrative work formed the Republic Institute for Physical Education in Skopje (1957-1971) and appointed Andon Simovski for Director . With the establishment of the Committee on Physical Education (1971-1982), under the presidency of Zivko Vasilevski (1971-1974) and Predrag Kushevski, the Commission and the Office were abolished. The Ministry of Education and Physical Education has become a competent authority for the affairs in this area (since 1982), then the Ministry of Sports (1998-2002), and now the Agency for Youth and Sport of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. D. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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