Bayal, Risto (Stoyakovo, Gevgelija, 1926 – Moscow, 20. Xi 1998) – A journalist who full affirmation achieved writing for many years for “Fight” and “Politics”, weekly Nin and Yugoslav television. He began in Skopje sports newspapers “Faddy Voice”, “Sport Voice” and “Sport” (1947-1951). In “Nova Makedonija”, he was a contributor in the internal political box (1952) and a correspondent from Belgrade, reported from the hectic days in Hungary (1956). In 1960 I was in the “Fight”, as a correspondent in Moscow, for three years to find himself there as a correspondent of “Politics” – until retirement. He enjoyed a high reputation as a remarkable connoisseur of Soviet occasions and the situation with the Socialist community. B. P. F. Dimitar Bayalziev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЈАЛСКИ, Ристо