Radonov, Krum (Bansko, 8. 1912 – Sofia ,?) – Participant in the Pirin part of Macedonia (1941-1944). He finished a pedagogical school (1931) and taught in the neurocopian borough (1931-1932 and 1935-1938). Member of the BCP (since 1934). He studied in Brno (Czech Republic) and Bratislava (Slovakia, 1939-1941). Bill Partizan (22. ⅵ 1941) and one of the founders of the People’s P.O. “Jane Sandanski” and his first commander, then General Laynant (9. 1944) and MP in the National Assembly of NRB. Lit.: History of the Blagoevgradial OcCohat Organizations of BCP, Sofia, 1979. V. Nd. Radonjic, Milorad Pavlev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РАДОНОВ, Крум