Badenter, Robber.

Badenter, Robert (Robert Badinter) (Paris, 30. ⅲ 1928) – French attorney and politician. He graduated from literature and right in Paris. Masters Degree at Columbia University (USA, 1949). He received a doctorate comparative right in Paris (1951). He was a lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal (1951-1981), Minister of Justice of France (1981-1986) and chairman of the Constitutional Council of France (1986-1995). He was also chairman of the Arbitration Committee at the Conference on Yugoslavia (established in 1991), which, under his presidency, concluded that the Republic of Macedonia meets all general and special conditions for international recognition. Therefore it was declared an honorary doctor of legal sciences at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje (1996). At the time of the conflict in the Republic of Macedonia (2001) he visited the Republic of Macedonia twice. On 26-27. Ⅵ 2001 He rejected the Albanian demand for transformation of the Republic of Macedonia in a multiethnic state, while at 28-29. Ⅷ 2006 He said that in BIB: Robert Badinter R., UNAPPPPPROCHE Trop Etchnjee Riliuliith D’Ggriver Le Small Aztuel, Le Monde, Le 28 Jun, 2001. Lit: Svetomir Scarz, de l”s L’emato-demos A L’Tat Plourtychnik Versa: Le Cza Macedonian, Melanges Ophers D. Slobodan Milacitz, Brazent, Brungelles, 2007. St. w. and T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАДЕНТЕР, Робер

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