President of the Republic of Macedonia – Into Institute Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia. The function was introduced for the first time with the constitutional amendments since 1990, with the jurisdiction of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia with a two-thirds majority of votes, at a mandate period of four years. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 It provides for the election of the President of the Republic of Macedonia in general and direct elections with secret ballot in two laps and a mandate period of five years. Kiro Gligorov was elected for the first President of the Republic of Macedonia in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia (and 1991). He was elected president and the first direct presidential election (1994), several months before the expiration of the four-year term. Boris Trajkovski was elected Second President of the Republic of Macedonia in 1999 presidential elections. Branko Crvenkovski was elected for the third president of the Republic of Macedonia on the early presidential election, held in April 2004. For the fourth president of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov was elected March – April 2009. Lit.: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right, Skopje, 2006. St. w. Criteria for the classification of enterprises according to the size (Law on Trade Companies, 2004) to 10 employees Micro-enterprises Annual turnover of 50,000 euros at most 10% of the gross income is realized by one client to 50 employees small annual turnover of EUR 2,000,000 value of The assets of 2,000,000 euros presidency of the SRM
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