The area – an area whose peculiarity is the result of the action and the interaction of natural and / or human factors. Based on the level of impact of anthropogenic factors and naturalness, the following categories of landscapes are different: Natural, modified and anthropogenic / cultural areas. The landscapes are complex phenomena, which are explored through interdisciplinary work to understand the various processes. Subject are the Convention on Financial Diversity (Council of Europe, 2000), which is the basis for international cooperation and joint action management, planning and protection of landscapes at European level. The Republic of Macedonia ratified the Convention on the Fields (2003). The planning of the areas is accomplished through their integration into spatial planning, while managing them in sectoral policies, which relate to: economy, agriculture, infrastructure, urban development, culture, environment, social development. S. H. P. Pretter bridge to the accumulation “Kozjak”
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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