First light celebrations in Macedonia – The Labor Day and the International Solidarity of the World Proletariat, determined by the second internal supremacy and hegemony in Macedonia. First-time celebration in Skopje (1909), GIA, whose first celebration in our country was observed in Bitola (1868), and especially mass were celebrated after the Young Turk Revolution in Skopje, in Thessaloniki and other cities of Macedonia (1909). Since then, celebrations have uninterrupted continuity, and especially for the formation of CPY organizations (since 1920). In the free DFM / NRM / SRM and the Republic of Macedonia, it was always a public holiday, and at the time of administrative socialism, regular first-time lands were held. Lit.: Dr. Simo Mladenovski, the first celebrations in Macedonia, “Nova Makedonija”, 30. ⅳ, 1 and 2. 1985, Jeli, 13748, 2. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet