Popovski, Peter (Lazaropole, 12. 1931) – a journalist, researcher. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Since 1951 edited the magazine “Lazaropole” intended for compatriots abroad. Worked in NSI “Our Book” (1961), editor of the newspaper “Tribune”. From 1965 to the retirement of various duties in MRTV: First editor (16 years) on the TV log, Pom. Director and chief editor of the information program of TV Skopje. After the retirement author of the monographs: “Archimandrit Theophilov Avramore” (1997), “Nostradamus Apocalypse counting down” (1999), “Gjorgjija Kastriot-Iskender, king of Epirus and Macedonia and the second Alexander the Great” (2005), “the descendants of ancient Macedonians and ancient residents of Matija (present-day Albania),, “bloody record of Arnautic Guga-Mirdi terrorism in the Macedonian country (1700-2002)” and “Macedonian medieval church diplomacy” (the three in 2006). B. P. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКИ, Петар