Popovski, Cyril

Popovski, Cyril (village Vladimirovo, Berovo, 1943) – Full professor at the Technical Faculty in Bitola. He graduated, a Master’s degree and received his doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). A special contribution gave in the development of low-temperature heating installations in greenhouses and direct application of geothermal energy. He is the author of more than 20 books and about 300 scientific publications, published or presented around the world. The founder and president is the Community of the Topons of Yugoslavia, the community of greenhouse producers of Macedonia and Yugoslavia, the Macedonian Geothermal Association (Maga) and the International Summer School of Direct Geothermal Energy (ISS). He was one of the founders, a member of the Board of Directors, President of the European branch and chairman of the IPA Education Committee. President of the Geothermal Energy Group of UNESCO Rosen. An expert of FAO and UNESCO. He was a participant of forty international and national scientific projects in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey. Organized fifty national and international gatherings. He conducted or participated in the construction of fifty demonstration projects and industrial capacities in: Macedonia, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, etc. Honorary Professor at the University of Oradea (Romania) and Visiting Professor at several universities in the world. Ch. K. Kiro Popovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКИ, Кирил

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