Popov, Vladislav (Skopje 1953) – General Manager of “Neocom” AD. In Skopje and chairman of the Board of “Rema Computers”. He graduated from the ETF in Skopje in 1977. Master degree at ETF in Zagreb (1983). In the period from 1980-1990 Works in Iskra Delta as an expert on operating systems and computer networks. During that period, there are educational centers throughout Europe. In May 1990 Together with a group of shareholders, he formed “Neocom” AD. (By 1996 working under the name “Makpetrol Computers” AD). Sixteen years successfully lead the company, which continuously increases capital and overall knowledge. Dr. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВ, Владислав