Popivova, Malina Stefanova

Popivanova, Malina Stefanova (Psevd. Elena Nikolaevna-Gilkina Krasnaya) (Kocani, 7. 1902 – Tyumen, Russia, 19. 1954) – Macedonian and international communist Dentist, daughter of Stefan Popivanov. He finished high school in Sofia and studied at the Belgrade University, where he was admitted as a member of the CPY (late 1920). Later, they first moved to Skopje (1921), where he was elected a member of the CPY member and at the same time was the secretary of the subsidiary of trade assistants, a member, and then secretary of the City Trade Union Council of Independent Trade Unions and an active member and the librarian of KUD “Abrasevic”. Soon went to Moscow (1924), where he completed the Sourdelovski University, and then returned to Yugoslavia (1928) as an instructor of the Organizing Bureau of the CPA in Split and Zagreb. She participated in ⅳ Congress of the CPY in Dresden (autumn 1928), where she was elected a member of the CPY Central CPY. In doing so, as a professional revolutionary, he managed the Commission for working with missions in Yugoslavia and the Women’s Commission of the CPY Central Commission. For treatment (from TBC), he left in the USSR (1929), where he worked as a lecturer at Kunmz and Head of the Yugoslav Sector. It also performed other significant duties in Moscow and other cities of the USSR. Together with husband Vladimir Sakun, he was covered in Stalini “purges” (1937) and two years spent on Zabiria in Siberia, and then worked as a history teacher at the pedagogical school in Tryen. In all official documents, it has always been declared as a Macedonian. It is immutaneously rehabilitated. Lit.: Sasha Marcus, who was raspberry “Krasnaya”. Attachment to one biography (and ⅱ), “Communist”, Jujv, 50 and 51, Skopje, 13 and 20. ⅹⅰⅰ 1976, 23; Kuzman Georgievski, a bright character. Memories of contemporaries for raspberry Popivanova, “Goce Days – a song for Goce”, ⅶ, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 20-21; Kuzman Georgievski – Sasha Marcus, Macedonian Revolutionary Malina Popivanova, Skopje, 1985. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПИВАНОВА, Малина Стефанова

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