Petrov, Guro

Petrov, Gjuro (v. Kosturino, 1931 – Skopje, 2003) – Full professor at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje, scientist. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology at the University of Zagreb (1956). Postgraduate studies ended at the State University of Pennsylvania, USA. He received his doctorate at the University of Zagreb (1974). He had more study stays in Europe and the United States. He was a teacher in a secondary chemical school and engineer, and in “Ohis” – Skopje worked from an engineer to the Director of the Institute. He was elected as a chemistry assistant at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1958). The Technological Institute of Faculty in Skopje is 1973, and as a full professor of 1982. He was Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje and a professor at the Faculty of Technology in Leskovac and the Technical Faculty in Bitola (since 1986). He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Chemical Fiber”, chairman of the Republic Commission for International Scientific Cooperation. Areas: textile chemistry, plastic massion processing, etc. He is the author of textbooks and devices, scientific papers, innovations and research projects. Lit.: “Newsletter UKIM” no. 609, from 27 ⅹⅰⅰ 1993, p. 23; 40 years of Technological and Metallurgy Faculty – Skopje, Monograph, TMF Skopje, 2000, p. 111. St. H. J. Ivan Novev Petrov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТРОВ, Ѓуро

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