Perseus (Perseoos) (213 / 12-166) – The last Macedonian king (179-168 BC) of the Antigonide Dynasty, son and successor to King Philip V. After the death of Philip ⅴ and his arrival of the throne (179 BC) he renewed the agreement with Rome and continued with the consolidation of Macedonia. It expanded Macedonia’s influence in Thrace, Dardania and Illyaria. Married a lao-coin of Perseus, Reverse Dika, the daughter of Syrian King Selekk ⅳ, and his sister married Prussia ⅱ (182-149 BCE), the king of Bithinia, and received a lot friends in chelada. He influenced social turmoil in Thessaly and Eyitolia, he replaced Dolpy and visited Delphi with his army. The strengthening of the Macedonian influence led to the violation of relations with Rome, and did not go in favor of Pergamum, so the Pergamian King Eumen ⅱ Soterme complained to Rome and this resulted in the third Macedonian-Roman war (171-168 BCE. ). After initial successes, Perseus was defeated by the Roman army under the lead of L. Aemilius Paul, in the battle of Piden (June 22, 168 BCE), which was marked the end of the war, but also the independence of Macedonia. He was captured on the escape of the island of Samotova and taken to Rome. He died two years later in captivity. Not.: Rodbies, Historiae, Lipsiae, 1904; Titi Li-you, AB URBe Condy Libri, Lipsia, 1906. Lit.: History of the Macedonian people and, Ini, Skopje, 2000; N. A. Male, history of the old Rome, Skopje, 1995; R. M. Errington, and chistoras off Mac educa, Berkelas and Los Angeles, 1990. K. M.R. Dushan Percckov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕРСЕЈ