Atanasovski-Krazeva, Slave Krstanov

Atanasovski-Kračevec, Slave Krstanov (Ohrid, 1915) – Carbar. He finished the carar school in Ohrid (1935/1936). He was a student of the academic Vajar Branislav Jovevevic from Kragujevic (1929-1932) and Branko Szira, was perfected in Belgrade among the famous Czech Master-Ranger Anton Story and the Carving Sculptor Ante Bahic. After the liberation, he was a teacher at the carar school in Ohrid (1947-1949) and the school for Applied Arts in Skopje, and then worked in the carar studial “Andon Slave Case, in his carving workshop Dukov” in Ohrid (1950-1962) and in the museum of Ohrid. It has made over 2,660 copies of carved furniture, bodies, wood icons, iconostasis, masks, rosettes, etc. More His works are in the new Catholic Church in Skopje, in the church “St. Atanas “in the village. Painful, resen, church “St. The Virgin “in the village. Kalishta, Struga, 25 works in the “May 25 Museum” and in the Palace of the Federation, in the so-called. Macedonian Hall, in Belgrade. Particularly impressive is the carboned pillars of 10.5 x 0.50 m width in the solemn hall of MANU and the two rosettes in the Palace of the Federation in Belgrade. Since the establishment, he was a member of the Association for Applied Artists of Macedonia. He had 17 independent exhibitions. Lit.: Mr. K., an exhibition of the last carar, “Vecer”, Jdzage, 8761, Skopje, 8. ⅹ 1991, 11; Tomislav Osmanli, songs in walnut wood. Meetings with the doyen: Slave Atanasovski-Kračevo, “Nova Makedonija”, Julvia, 16067, Skopje, 16. 1991, 13; Boge Petreski, life and gift carved in wood, “Macedonia”, no. 512, Skopje, December 1995, 32-33. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВСКИ-КРСТАНЧЕ, Славе Крстанов

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