Nurijani, Giorgio

Nurijani, Giorgio (1892 – Rome, Italy, 1981) – Italian writer, historian, publicist, journalist. Among the two world wars lived in Sofia and maintained numerous contacts with various circles of Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria, supporting the tendencies of VMRO (united) as a leading factor in political struggles in that period. After the Second World War he lives in Italy. He is the author of numerous books on the Macedonian question (“Macedonia yesterday and today”, “Macedonian genius over the centuries”, etc.) in 1967, along with Naum Kitanovski, in Rome published “Italian-Macedonian Dictionary”. The initiator is more projects in the fruitful Italian-Macedonian cultural and political cooperation. D. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НУРИЏАНИ, Џорџо

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