Nunkov, Constantine (GR. Chirpan, Bulgaria, 21. 1878 – p. Kutlibeg, Kumanovo, 20. 1905) – Duke of TMORO, Bulgarian. He became a member of TMORO (1894), and then with the WMC (1895) crossed into Macedonia and participated in the Millin Uprising (1895). He came under the ideas of anarchism. Four years he was the Duke of Chief of TMORO in Macedonia and Oral (1900-1904). In the Ilinden Uprising (1903) led the company in Dedegakkas and Djumurjinsky. Then he acted as a Kumanovo district of the Duke. He died in a fight with the Ottoman army. BIB.: Heaters and Tayah’s use, Sofia, 1902. Lit.: Macedonian gallery. Ilinden 1903-1922, KN. 2, Sofia, 1922, 132; S. Avramov, Konstantin Nunkov, “Iló: Ilinden”, в “- 3, 7-9, Sofia, 1931/1932; Bulgarians – Goce’s companions. The granddaughter of Goce Delchev, Baba Lika Chopova-Jurukova tells about the direct participation of many Bulgarians in the Macedonian revolutionary movement, “Goce Days – a song for Goce 1981”, ⅶ, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 17-18. S. Ml. Sefedin Nuredini
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НУНКОВ, Константин