National Park “Galichica” – proclaimed in 1958. It extends to Mount Galicica and the island of large city on an area of 22 760 ha. The geological base is Triasian limestone, and only a small part above the villages Ljubanista and a wars is from Periodotite. No water. Galicica has meridian stretching. The southern part rises the bigger massif Old Galicica with the highest peak map of the National Park “Galichica” magazine (2,225 m). There are two glacial circles, glacial valley and moraina, prefert polce, where a small Galichica builds, which is a widely wavy plateau of about 1,600 m above sea level. There are chosen fields and valleys and many vendors. Forest vegetation there is only on the slopes and it is assembled by Stara Galichica, and degraded to a small Galichica. Significant species are: Ljuerabus Trojana, Tsorus Tsolute, Ribes Multiflorum, Voburnum Lantana, Tstonean Marianae, and from endemites are significant: Astragalus horses, Nepeta horses, CHELSCRISM YES, Croatsitzhias. Interesting are: Azanthlymon Ekhinus, Rindera Grauca, Primus Salad, Morina Persica and other Greek-small-scale elements. Regarding the use of the park, three zones are allocated: a strictly protected zone, which covers the island of Great City and Klifs, the shores of the Ohrid and Prespa Lake; The recreational and tourist zone, which is a belt beside the Ohrid and Prespa Lake, and the meliorative zone, which is located around the village of Stenje. R. R.
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