Numerchekian, Wolf

Nasumcheski, Volchel (Prilep, 18. and 1916 – Skopje, 20. ⅲ 1980) – an ambitious worker-poet for adults and children, author of the first poetry healed in Macedonian language in pre-war Yugoslavia, fighter. As a seventh child in a poor family, after the end of and the class leaves the gymnasium and works as an apprentice in several masters and becomes therape. The first song “Prayer” enrolls and pursues public (in Serbian) of the cultural and educational company “Kosta Abrasevic” (1935). Regarding the Civil War in Spain, it embraces the SPAIN “Spain” (early 1937) and becomes very popular Middle When he sees that verses are published in Macedonian, he encompasses the “bread”, which recites the various gatherings, performances and picnics and publishes it in c. “Our Word” (1. ⅱ 1940). Encouraged by the reception of his verses, S “more writes and recited in Macedonian language (Prilep speech). In 1935 Creates a drama text “by Mariovo life”, and in 1939. It also prescribes the social-revolutionary drama “Turk PREB Gora”, which proposed in the Skopje Theater, and after the occupation and in the Sofia theater, but was not accepted for performance. In late 1939 In Bitola, it prints the collection of 13 poums “IDI Spring”, signed only with tax. As a soldier on April 9, 1941 It is captured by the Germans near Nis and transferred to the camp in Dragoman and Slivnica, and released and briefly staying in Sofia. Through its fellow citizen D. Dzambaz gets acquainted with T. Pavlov, V. Markovski, M. Zafirovski, K. Nedelkovski, N. Vaptsarov and other members of the MLK. On the recommendation of Pavlov, he returns to Prilep and on May 28, he comes to Sofia with the manuscript of the second poetry. The book was printed in July 1941. (Without the promised preface by T. Pavlov, since this was arrested), with the front page: In Fílo Numcezian, Macedonian kit. Vehicods, Sofia, 1941. Exiting the poetry player was marked in the newspapers “literaryí Crití”, “D”, “Zara, and even J. Badev called in “Dawn”. Nasumcheski in Sofia lived in the same home with K. Racin and K. Nedelkovski, where other members of the MLK came. He also participated with his own performances at the Speech Chor of Kukushko Brotherhood “Goce Delcev”, on Vitosha, etc.. The night of 1. ⅸ 1941 Police strictly on the doors, who slept three Macedonian poets. In order not to catch alive, K. Nedelkovski activated the hellish machine (which was given by M. Zafirovski for mining the printing house “Dawn”) and threw from the sixth floor of the building. After the release of the police, Racin and Numberskiki on 4 or 5 September, together they went on the train for Macedonia. Immediately joined the preparations for an uprising. He participated in the armed action on October 11 in Prilep, and when the detachment was broken, in order to hide the trace, in December 1941. leaves again to Sofia. Soon here, as a certain continuation of the company that founded in Prilep F. Acheski, an association of Prilep artists (V. Numberski, F. aceski, J. Grabuloski and M. Korubin) and Until August 1942. live together and organize an exhibition. Then he intrigues Job and some amateur ideas in the field of astronomy. In early 1943 He addressed his friends in Prilep d. Stefanoski and I. Baroski with a proposal to issue a common poetry. The extensive answer from Mr is preserved. Stefanoski from 27. ⅳ 1943 (In Macedonian language) for the concept and conditions for such an endeavor, but not reaching the idea. In 1942-1943 N. It enrolled (in Bulgarian) its “poem of evil” (published in Macedonian in Skopje, even in 1951). And after the exit Partizan (1943) he writes and publishes actuated verses for the fight. After the liberation, it works in Skopje and publishes more poetry for adults and children. BIB.: IDI Spring, SA. W1939, S.L. Schlitolic; Macedonian kit. Vehicods, Sofia, 1941; Poem of evil, Skopje, 1951; Lyrics. Skopje, 1961; Verses (1939- 1941). Redition, preface and remarks Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Skopje, 1979. Lit.: Georgi Stardelov, Volok Naumcheski, preface to the election of verses, Skopje, 1961, 5-15; Petre Bakevski, a sequence of time and pain, “Vecer”, 22. ⅴ 191, 7; D. Risteska, Portrait Sketch: Vola Vaumcheski. The birth of the song – the only secret, “Nova Makedonija”, 4. ⅳ 1976, 13; Blaze Ristovski, honest yield to Macedonian literary history, “Nova Makedonija”, JJJV, 11797, 25. ⅺ 1979, 12; It, Voloca Naumcheski, in: verses (1939-1941), Skopje, 1979, 9-34; The same, Voloca Numacheski, in Brite: Macedonian verse 1900-1944. Research and materials, and, Skopje, 1980, 369-378; It, Voloca Naumcheski (1916-1980), in: Knowing language, literature and nation, Skopje, 2001, 562- 570. bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НАУМЧЕСКИ, Волче

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