Mushevich, Marko Atanasov

Musevic, Marko Atanasov (Krusevo, OK. Polque. At ⅹⅰⅹ c. Upon completion of elementary school in the birthplace, after the liberation of Bulgaria works as a moller and iconicy in Sofia. Travels to Thessaloniki, Belgrade and Bucharest, talks with diplomats and statesmen, proposes programs for cultural rise and political liberation of the Macedonian people, and in S.-Petersburg has an audience with Emperor Aleksandar ⅲ (9. and 1885), to whom he gives old Coins collected in Macedonia, and from the name of Macedonia. The people submit a plea in the Ministry of Super. Works (“The Heavy Position of Macedonia under Turkish slavery”, “St

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МУШЕВИЧ, Марко Атанасов

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