Arsova, Lence Stojanova (Bitola, 16. 1919 – Skopje, 2002) – Communist Deper, fighter and socialist. As a member of the CPY (1940), it was one of the organizers of NOAVM; Member of the MK of the CPY in Stip and the Military Headquarters (from July 1941), a member of the second district Committee of the CPM (1943), the instructor of the Fifth Area Committee of the CPM, deputy commander of the BS database of New and Pom (August 1944), Ciprand of the Supreme Headquarters of New and Paus of Vis Island, Head of the Ciprandic Service at the GS of New and Pom and Secretary of the MK of the CPM in Stip. After the liberation there was various socio-political duties and was a long-standing president of the Macedonian Red Cross. BIB: The position of the party organization in Bitola from mid-July to the beginning of October 1943, Bitola and Bitola in New 1943 and 1944, and Bitola, 1982, 291-297; My memories of comrade Mirce Acev, Prilep and Prilep in New 1944 – May 15, 1945, ⅱ, Skopje, 1985, 99-104. Exhibition: Women from Macedonia in New 1941-1945. Proceedings, Skopje, 1976. Lit: Stip and Stip at the National Liberation War 1941-1945, articles from the scientific gathering held on 17, 18 and 19 May 1990 in Stip, 1-4, Skopje, 2000-2001. S. Ml. Tamara Arsova.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРСОВА, Ленче Стојанова