Arsov, Tashko (Ohrid, 1882 – Ohrid, 1950) – Krusevski and Demirhisar Duke. Member of TMORO from 1900 Since 1901 Bill in the n. Russian and in other troops. He was elected Krushevski (1905), and then for the Demirhisar Duke (1905-1907). During 1907 He went to the United States, but after the Young Turk Revolution returned to Macedonia. Exhibition: CDA, f.: 1075, OP. 1, A.e. 29, l. 56; Tashko Arsov, ID. Editorial, commentary and preface by H.A.-Polyan, Skopje, 1983. Al. TR. Todor Arsov.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРСОВ, Ташко