Messia Gorna (Moisia Superior) – Ranorian province based in Skupi. After the submission of the tribes, the territory of Mezia was added to the territory of Macedonia, under the Governor Marko Likinius Kras (29-28 BC). Later, in 6 d. HE, she was singled out, and in 46 years. AD Formed as a separate province (from Drina, west, to the Black Sea, the East). Later, in 46 BC, when the province of Thrace, Messia was divided into Upper and Lower Messia. The territories of Upper Mezia occupied the space along the upper and middle flow of the r. Morava (north) Limited by the Danvan, Dardania (Today Kosovo) and the Skopje-Kumanovo region in the south. In addition to Skupi, more significant cities were Nausus (Nis), Ratija (Archure), Horseum Margi (Kyprija), Munikypium, Vinomatus (Kostolac). Lit.: J. Salell, Moisia Superior, Tabula Empires Romani, K34, Lyubljanna, 1976, 87; M. Torbischls, L’emerire Romain, Paris, 1990, 75. V. L.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МЕЗИЈА ГОРНА