Arianism – Learning the priest Arius (OK. 260-336) of Alexandria, the Christian sect that he accepted and spread his teaching. Arianism denied the equality and equality of God-Father and God-Son, that is, he denied the divine nature of Jesus Christ, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was similar to his father, but not the same and equal (flat) with him, Because he was created by him, that is, he originated from him. At the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325), the arievation was condemned as heresy, but continued to spread, and the Second Council in Constantinople (381) was separated from the Christian church. Lit.: H.M.Ganyat, studies of Ariais, Camwrudge, 1900; RP.C. Hanson, Searzh Fort Tezh Czhhhristian Danctrate OF YE: Tez Arian Controversis 313-381, Edinburgh, 1988. K. Ag.
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