Martinovski, Traian (v. Nerezi, Struga, 10. ⅱ 1951 – Ohrid, 4 1999) – poet, essayist, publicist, wandering through life and across Europe. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje and worked as a journalist in the “Student Word” in Skopje and as a Methath of the Paris Cemetery. BIB.: “Todcast Time”, poetry, 1982; “Dulbia”, poetry, 1988; “Christ’s son,” poetry, 1994; “The grave of Chingo”, Essay, 1995; “Sips”, poetry, 1990; “The Speech of Flowers”, Essay, 1995; “The letter of the picture,” given the landscape of the painter Jordan Manasievski; “Response to the Scripture”, Essay, 1996; “Fifteen sings for the caravan of the Flowers of Peace”, 1998; “Breonso – a biography of the stone and flower,” Patolog, 1998; “Erigon fifteen years later,” towards the dramatic representation of “Erigon” by Jordan Plevnes, 1999 and “Golden Wreath of the Memories”, memories, 1999. T. Cvetko Martinovski.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАРТИНОВСКИ, Трајан