Mance, Lefter Metodiev (Lefter Mantsee) (village Zagorican, Kostur Region, Aegean part of Macedonia, 29. ⅸ 1935) – Aesthetic surgeon, transplant, UNIV. Professor. Since his father Methododrov was imprisoned in Greece (1945-1961), and his mother and the three brothers (such as partisans) were killed in the civil war, he was raised by Mother sister Jana Mancheva, after which he carries the last name. At 13 years he was taken to Budapest in Hungary (1948), where he completed the primary and gymnasium and the Faculty of Physical Education (1955-1959). Immediately afterwards he enrolled at the University of Debrecen (1959-1965) and, since he graduated with great success, he was left as an assistant professor at the University Surgical Clinic, when he published his own papers in Hungarian and West German magazines. He then shifted to Canada and after the University of Ottawa passed Canadian surgical exams (1973- 1979), in 1980. He opened the first clinic for aesthetic surgery in Ottawa, as an operator-specialist for hair transplantation, liposuction, plastic on face, eyes and chest. He trained the first Macedonian and Hungarian liposuction surgeons and published the first liposuction articles in Canadian and Hungarian magazines (after 1987). Together with his son in 2002 He opened the International Clinic for Transplantation of Hair Transplantation “Atlantic” in Budapest (Atlantic Hayatuns Clinic, Budapest), and operates parallel to Canada and Hungary, as well as in Skopje. As Patriot and Philanthropist, he often participates with the help of charity of institutions and individuals and in Macedonia. Article is of respectable companies and institutions: pla Rosal Hollege of Surgeons of Tsaah; TePhe International Society Oh Zosmethic Surger; Teza American Academas off Faciaal Plastic & Recostrovtsie Surgers and Memorial of the Tezhan Academas Off Tsosmetitis Surgers and on TePhe International Society Oh Hair Restaurant Surger. BIB.: LIPTUCTION: A Nane Stodz Scalpturing Procedure, “CMAY”, WAL. 135, November 1986, 975-976; La Liposuccion: UPE NOVELLELE TECHNOUGHT De model de TOPS, “Le Youlnal International De Medical”, 93, 15. ⅴ 1987, 181-184; Liposcity UNDER LOCAK Annestchesia: A retrospects AnalzSism of 100 Patoens, “TePhe Journal of Dermatologist Surgers Andrologist”, 13, December 1987, 1333-1338; Studux Scalpturing Tzhrougch liposcity, “Ontario Medzzal Rev.”, 56, June 1987, 648-649; Testyzontor Valtosas Aspiration Lipectomiaval, “Magstar itself,” 42, 1989, 17-24; TePhe Imoretince of Patce Passunting Inn liposacity Surgers, “Plastic and Rectonstructzi Surger”, 98, November 1996, 1123-1124; LIPTUCTION AC Primators Procedure Ford Treating Ptotiz Abdominal Nuall, “Amenjan Journal of Tsosmetice Surger”, 14, 1997, 269-274. Bl. R. Vase Manchev.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАНЧЕ, Лефтер Методиев