Manev, Kole (village Buckor, Aegean part of Macedonia, 5. ⅳ 1941) – Painter and film director. As a child-fugely, he lived for several years in children’s homes in Romania (1948-1956), where he finished elementary school, and then, returning to the homeland, finished the art school in Skopje (1956-1960) and studied at the Area Academy in Belgrade (1960-1964). He is a member of DLUM and DLUPUM. He arrived more independent exhibitions (Paris, Skopje, etc. Places). His film “Baskavian sources” won the first prize at the TV festival in Bled (1972), and with the long documentary “Tulghesh” won the Grand Festival in Belgrade (1977). He was the president of DLUM (2006). He is the winner of the recognition Honorary knight in the area of art and science of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of France. S. Ml. Elica Maneva
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАНЕВ, Коле