Arboretum “Trubarevo” – is located 7 km south of Skopje, near the village of Trubarevo. Organized in 1953 In flooding terrains by the river Vardar on an area of 3.3 ha in order to create a living collection of trees and shrubs that will serve as an apparent study for forestry. By 1968 642 domestic and foreign species were entered, of which 84.6% broadolysis and 13.6% coniferous species. Except for teaching in the arboretum, observations of the reaction of certain types in the environmental conditions are carried out: Resistance to winter haters and summer sushi, phyo and zooparasites, fruit, vegetative propagation, etc. Immediately to the arboretum are raised plantations from different clones of poplars on an area of 24.5 ha. Measurements of growth and productivity of the wood mass were performed on them. In 1965 Arboretum has been declared a monument of nature and culture. R. R.
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