
Arboretum “Trubarevo” – is located 7 km south of Skopje, near the village of Trubarevo. Organized in 1953 In flooding terrains by the river Vardar on an area of ​​3.3 ha in order to create a living collection of trees and shrubs that will serve as an apparent study for forestry. By 1968 642 domestic and foreign species were entered, of which 84.6% broadolysis and 13.6% coniferous species. Except for teaching in the arboretum, observations of the reaction of certain types in the environmental conditions are carried out: Resistance to winter haters and summer sushi, phyo and zooparasites, fruit, vegetative propagation, etc. Immediately to the arboretum are raised plantations from different clones of poplars on an area of ​​24.5 ha. Measurements of growth and productivity of the wood mass were performed on them. In 1965 Arboretum has been declared a monument of nature and culture. R. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРБОРЕТУМ

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