Macedonian archaeological scientific society – Association with professional membership, established as archaeological society of SR Macedonia at 28. ⅺ 1970. in Prilep. The first president was Bosko Babic, and then: Sarzo Sarzoski, Vera Bitrakova-Grozovanova, Pasko Kuzman, Kostadin Kepeski, Dragi Mitrevski, Vojislav Sanev and Irena Nasteva Kolitrkoska. The basic statutory determinations are: to follow, direct and develop the scientific and research work, to advocate the presentation and affirmation of the results of the excavations by organizing scientific meetings and their timetable. By 1990 He was a member of the covenant of the archaeological societies of Yugoslavia, and in one term led his presidency and the sections of prehistory and antiquity. Has organized several scientific and professional gatherings: ⅹ Congress of the Union (Prilep, 1976), 16 Symposia devoted to the results of research in the years between the symposia, then two round tables: “Neolithic and Eneolithic in Macedonia and their relationship with neighboring areas” ( 1987) and “the late antelvestor architecture of Yugoslavia” (1987), as well as several public debates and lectures. Within the former interior co-operation of archaeological companies, days of Slovenian and Croatian archeology were organized, as well as the days of Macedonian archeology in Slovenia. The Museum of Macedonia was a copelist of exhibitions: “Prehistory of Macedonia” (Stip, 1971, Ljubljana, 1976, and Belgrade, 1977) and “from the archaeological wealth of SR Macedonia” (Skopje, 1981). ADM is issued its two-year-old SP. “Macedonia Acta Arzhaeologica” (17 numbers) published the monograph “Prehistoric settlement Barut in Anzabegovo in Macedonia” by P. and l. Koroschec (1973), as well as catalogs from exhibitions. Due to changes in the legal regulations, several times changed its name: Association of archaeologists of SR Macedonia (1979), association of archaeologists of the Republic of Macedonia (1991), and since 1995 it functions as a Macedonian archaeological scientific society. Lit.: Pasko Kuzman, notes on some aspects of the archeology of Macedonia, in: Lydia Miladinovska, Macedonian archaeological scientific society – bibliography of Macedonian archeology 1945 – 2000, Ohrid, 2001. V. S. Macedonian movement for Balkan prosperity
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet