Local types of Old Slavic language. The oldest development phase of the language of Slavic literacy, Old Slavic, lasted from 863. By the end of XI c. It is handwritten a fragmentary in transcript of ⅹ-XI in., Representative after the familiarity to the Cyrillo-Methodaian basis of the language. However, their language also contains local landmarks of new language-ethnic backgrounds, which allow for differentiating several local types of STRs. Language, which in its foundation is unique. Cyrillo-Mperational Heritage is best preserved in Macedonian and Bulgarian transcripts carried out in Ohrid and Ohrid School. These new centers of Slavic literacy, formed by students of Cyril and Methodius, exiled by Great Moravia after Methodius Death (885), play the greatest role in the further development and spread of Slavic literacy. Still in xi c. They represent an outcome for Russian literacy, and later for the Serbian and Romanian CSP. Literacy. The Macedonian type of STR. Language is closely related to the activity of the Ohrid Booklett School. It is highlighted with particular respect for Cyrillo-Methodiuvian traditions, the use of the glagolitic and longer retention of archaic grammatical and lexical means. The most famous verb monuments from the Ohrid School are: Zografic EV., Maryrila EV., Aseman’s EV., Sinai Psaltir, the Sinai Eucologist (?). Originate from the end of ⅹ and xi c. Bulgarian Type of STRs. The language is closely related to the activity of the Press In 893 Officially introduce the Cyrillic, there is more pronounced aftermarketing in the language and Slavicization of lexics. The most famous monuments are written with Cyrink: A vave Book (Optional EV.), Suprovasca Proceedings (Martovskya Minute) and the Enronic Apostle, all of the XI c. Lit.: (Choice) V. N. … EpKIN, Glossing Oscîke Saveni books, S-Petersburg, 1901; K. Mirchev, Hr. COOP, the Enronic Apostle. An old-party monument of the XI century, Sofia, 1965, (ED.); J. Zaimov, M. Capalo, Suprasol or Rethkov Spread CO two volumes, 1, Sofia, 1982, 2, Sofia, 1983 (Newest Red.); CB. Preslavoska Bookmark 1, Shumen, 1995, 2, Shumen, 1997; O. A. Knayeva, L. A. Kerobko, E. P. Two-brand, a book book. Driver Text. Comments. Release, Moscow, 1999. The Czech Type of Stsl. Language directly builds on the Moravian norm that confirms Kiev Petals (Misal) from ⅹ c. It is represented by the threshold verbs of XI c. Although the Czech type persists only by the end of XI in., When the Slavic Liturgy is forbidden in Czech, he appears as a superstretch primarily in the language of Croatian, but also the oldest Russian literacy. Lit.: (Choice) V. Wocking, OBP ° Indukeskýk САЛАНСКС ° Accessories Облаль Аба Собламаха да Лашуцх Charekevn2 Application of Památkázh Wu ° BEC, Praha 1904; C. C. Nimchuk, Kiïvs Vallic Selects – Nade-Davascian Pam’at Pispers, Keyv, 1983; Z. HOPTATÁ, CRARCHEN 2 OFFICANCE PAPPPZE CB 5APCHISLYSCHSHSHSHEN CECHACH, YazzSK A literature in Historitzké Perspective2, University Jana Evangelists PurkSN2, Šland over Labem 1998, 5-42; F. C. Mareš, the princes of Jejchk P5thloha in St.2tel Hl atzislazlemano Rozburov; Prega aboments A Yeocche Pu ° Water in Bright2 Lexikálero Rozburov, CSHRLOM2Todeská tradition and Slavistics, Praha 2000, 347-354, 355-367. Panonian-Slovenian type of STR. The language was in use in 869-873, until the ban of the Slavic Liturgy in Panonia. His existence is confirmed by the frinting stamps from the ⅹ-XI in., Who are partially associated with the conceptual methods (confessional prayers translated from the stager German), while the lesson in front of confession (2. Sheet) has Cyrillo-Methodian origin. They are registered with Latin. Lit.: (Choice) J. ZOR, Brugge monoms. Reasonably-critical published, Sazu, a divorce for Philolosko Inn literary, works, 39, Lyubljanna, 1993; Proceedings Bruzine monuments, Sazu, divorce for Philoloshke Inn literary, works, works, 45, Lyubljanna, 1996. The Croatian type of STR. Language has great and Czech roots (besides the Balkan, especially Macedonian). The oldest monuments originate even from the very end of the STR. period. These are Vienna verbal leaves (Misal) of XI-ⅻ c. and T. Baschish plate (ok. 1077). Until the flowering of Slavic literacy written with the Croatian Aid Glagola comes later, especially in ⅹⅰⅰⅰ-ⅹⅴ c. Lit.: (Choice) V. Jagitz, verb. Newredgung Neundter Fragment, Philos.-Hist. Class, 38, 2, 1890 (ED. Of Vienna l.); E. HERCGONGY, MEDIJEVIVE RECEIVE, ZAGREB, 1975; The same, trigger and trojesic culture, Croatzoskoga, Zagreb, 1994. ZG. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet