CANANO-DECOVA, Sterio (Skopje, 29. ⅷ 1920 – Skopje, 24. IX 1991) – Communist Deper, Power and Lawyer. He studied the electro-plumber craft. As a member of the URS trade union, the CPY (August 1940) and the MK of Skopje, a participant in the first distribution of shares in the city and fighter of the first Skopje NOO (22. ⅷ 1941). After the dismantling of the squad, he was arrested (autumn 1941) and in the trial (27th ⅳ – 9. ⅴ 1942) sentenced to death by hanging, replaced by life-long slave. He served the sentence in the Skopje Central Prison and Idrizovo, from which he escaped (29. 1944) and joined as a member of the headquarters of the third Macedonian Nawb and then at the forty-second (Macedonian) division of Nova. After the liberation, he worked in Ozz and UDB, and after the extraordinary graduation of the Faculty of Law in Skopje, it was given to the judicial activity. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Bib.: In the cell of death, the second extended edition, Skopje, 1967; Memories, Skopje, 1980; Bulgarian terror and resistance in Skopje prison, memories, Skopje, 1986. Lit.: Miter inadeeski, the first year of new and revolution, Skopje, 1973; The same, unicular sparks. Review of raiding-sabase shares and some other illegal activities in Skopje and Skopje 1941-1944, Skopje, 1982; Aleksandar Spasovski, Partisan Movement in Skopje and Skopje 1941-1945, Skopje, 1984. S. Ml. Danail Krapchev.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРАНГО-ДУЧО, Стерјо