The colonization of the Vardar part of Macedonia as a system

The colonization of the Vardar part of Macedonia as a system (1912-1941) – strangely settlement for changing the national structure implemented in 4 stages: 1912-1915, 1919-1924, 1924-1928, 1929-6 April 1941. The colonization was carried out on the basis of special acts: “Decree on settlement of newly convinced and affiliated areas of the Kingdom of Serbia” from 20. ⅱ 1914 and “Previous provisions for the preparation of agrarian reform” from 27. ⅱ 1919. “Volunteers”, Chetniki, lower civil servants, autocolonist – private and state colonization, and cultural, educational, economic and other institutions were installed. Objects of the colonization were: free state country, municipal and rural countries and mornings, proportions of refugees and lands that can be distinguished by larger properties. The colonization carried out: the agrarian department, with 6 sections of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform of the Kingdom of SCS (from 12. 1920); Agrarian communities (from 20. ⅱ 1922), that is, the agrarian cooperatives (from 1931); Supreme Trust of Agrarian Reform in Skopje (from 1931); Agrarian trials in several cities and the Senior Agrarian Court in Skopje. The final result of the colonization in the Vardar part of Macedonia by the end of October 1940. Bill: 200 colonies and 4,167 colonist families. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Apostolov, the colonization of Macedonia in old Yugoslavia, Skopje, 1966. N. Cv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЛОНИЗАЦИЈАТА на Вардарскиот дел на Македонија како систем

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