
Kozaroski (Kozar), Mice Lazarov (Posses. Jondre) (Varos, Prilep, 24. IX 1910 – p. In 1934 He was a member of the CPY and a member of the Prilep Menent Committee. He was conducted by the Skyhenka Group and pointed out with the revolutionary activity, which was persecuted and imprisoned. After the occupation he was one of the organizers and heads of the National Liberation in Prilep and Nitrogen (Veles). He participated in the October 11th attack in Prilep. He was commander of the Veles Partisan Department “Pe-Re Toshev”, and then to the Dimitar Vlahov. ” Lit.: Stoilko Ivanoski-mountain, Mice Kozar – life and work 1910-1942, Skopje, 1996. O. Iv. Curenevski’s goat

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЗАРОСКИ

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