Interchanging hippodrome

Interchanging hippodrome -. Necropolis with gear deceased from the very transition to the Iron Age (XI c. It is located on the eastern periphery of Skopje, discovered during construction work for the construction of a highway. So far, only part of it has been investigated, with a total of 11 graves. The ritual of burials involves cremation of the deceased within the necropolis and taking the burned remains in vessels – urns, most often covered with other vessels like lids. The urns were digging and constructed with adorphic stones. Among the articles reveal forms of North-Balkan origin (eg, canned ceramics), as well as forms of Aegean origin, such as the Miketeen helmets from a wild boar. The necropolis is for the time being unique of that kind and is the manifestation of the spread of the so-called. Cultural group Donja Brnjica to the south. Lit.: D. Mitrevski, and Brunjica Tspe Nekropolis Naard Skopje, “Olderly”, Jelibi-Juli, Belgrade, 1994; D. Mitrevski, Proto-historical Communities in Macedonia, Skopje, 1997. Dr. M. Pando Kljashev with Kljashev, Pando Nakov (village Smrdesh, Kostur, 29. IX 1882 – p. Drenuble, Kostur Region, 1. ⅷ 1907) – Teacher, revolutionary, duke, participant in the Ilinden uprising. He was educated in Thessaloniki and Bitola. He was in Marko Lerinski (1901). He participated in the Smilevo Congress (1903). He was a member of the Gordan Department of the Kostur Revolutionary Region, fought in the Kostur, Lerin region. He was a member of the Bitola District Committee (1906). In struggle with the Ottoman armies in the village. Drenumen (Kostur) was difficult wounded and committed suicide. He left memories for his revolutionary activity. Exhibition: Winning fighting in Kostur. Memories of Pando Kljashev, Sofia, 1925. V. F. Nikola Kljusev.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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