Karolak, Stanislav

Karolak, Stanislav (Stanjljja Karolak) (Girardduv, Poland, 22. ⅱ 1931) – Polish linguist, Slavist, Romanist, language theorist, specialist in the field of semantic and formal syntax. The author of one of the contemporary semantic theories of the verb, applied in monographs from several Macedonian authors dedicated to the verb in the Macedonian language. The presentation of the theory (from S. Carolak) and its verification of Macedonian linguistic material (from M. Mirkulovska) were published in Poland as third volume of the series of Glaviya Merdionalis (NABI, 2000) under the title Into Into Into Type Configuration in the Macedonian language. In Polish and Macedonian scientific journals, there has been a number of articles with Macedonian issues. BBB.: From the semians to the mountains, NAAs 2001. Litte Linguistijesses Romano-Slaves Opheretes Á Stadeljany Karolak, Cracovi, 2003. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРОЛАК, Станислав

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