Karajanov, Elijah (Gevgelija, 8. 1943) – poet, essayist, critic. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. A poet of the native southern region, a lyrical chronist of modernity and a lover in the historical tradition of Macedonia. Part: poichoshibitions: sunflower eye, SK., 1978; Flowers of freedom, SK., 1979; Midnight Synologist, SK., 1987; Pictures from the South, Gevgelija, 1995; Zannits in Sa-Not, SK., 1997; Silk sounds, Haiku, SK., 2000 and book criticism and essays awaken and Resti, Gev., 2001. V. Tot.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРАЈАНОВ, Илија