Kamenjaki or balls (blnuda) – Family tiny fish from Order Bone fish (Perceiforms), with meager leather without shells (construction). From them in Macedonia, the type of rocky-fish stones or a ball (Sararia Fluviaitilis) is present. Lit.: M. Benzlev, Guide to Freshnater FISH OF Britaine and Euroope, London; J. Croelley, plaster Freshnater FISH Endemitz Teken Northhern Meditaranean region, Tauri Valat Published, 1996; M. Naumovski, fish in Macedonia, Skopje, 1995; S. Georgiev, the key for determining the fish (OstiChtes) and the Zhini cars (Zephalaspidoorpha) in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998, St. P. – V. Sid.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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