Kaya, Fahri

Kaya, Fahri (Fahri Kasa) (Kumanovo, 1930) – short story writer, poet, literary critic, anthologist, journalist, translator of Turkish nationality in R Macedonia. He was a teacher, journalist, editor-in-chief of c. “Birik”, editor of the village. “Obsist”, a long time was a socio-political worker, Secretary of Information at the Executive Council of Fahri Kaa, MP of RS of SRM, two terms Member of the Presidency of the SRM, a member of the Macedonian PEN Center, a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1956 . Literary creations have been translated into Macedonian. Composition of anthologies contemporary Turkish poetry, 1985, a choice of short stories of Turkish authority, 1985, Antology , 1958, Advanced, 1963, Happy, 1978, Children Dreams, 1991, essays and criticism, 1994, Mrs., 1996, afternoon sun, 1998. Lit.: Abdhalkadir Hazber, Macedonian Kolklerenin Edeneine, Istanbul, 2001; F. Kadea, “SECTE Sazzhill,” Birik, Üsküp, 1994. A. Ager Match in a kayak of quick waters on the river Treska

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАЈА, Фахри

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